LIKE many readers, I was alarmed to read Aled Jones’ letter (The Press, March 24) on proposed changes to extend the abortion limit potentially up to term.

Certainly this would be deeply troubling.

However, I then took the trouble to see what the proposed legislation actually said.

There is no such proposal. The bill in question would remove two clauses from an obscure 1861 act.

It would not change provisions of the 1967 Abortion Act which set the circumstances under which abortion can take place, and the 24 week limit that exists.

In actual fact it will make abortion a healthier and safer provision for the woman, while in no way eroding existing protections.

This is a valuable lesson in critical analysis for us all in this post-truth era.

Don’t blindly trust the first news source you read; it may be hysterical, agenda-driven nonsense.

Check the facts. Or, like Mr Jones, you may be a victim of fake news.

David Craven, York