WELL it has happened: a stunning political blow. 72% of the UK’s electorate has, indeed, spoken. So by any criteria a legitimate result.

We must now conclude that the UK’s union is, at the very least, at a crossroads: while not yet a certainty, but the Scots will surely press for a further independence referendum ... and whither the Six Counties and Ireland.

Entirely predictably, Sinn Fein is already calling for a referendum over Northern Ireland’s constitutional future. Find it hard to believe: for the first time, I actually agree with Sinn Fein.

For those among us who chose Remain, then we have lost, whichever way we look.

That “we” will survive is not in doubt, but who the “we” is and at what (historic) price is to be determined.

For the Brexiteers among us, then of course they/you feel delighted and exhilarated - understandably so, but reality will kick-in soon enough.

It follows, inevitably, that I am surprised, disappointed, depressed and inevitably concerned that we may well soon be significantly poorer.

Financially and otherwise.

Nick Blitz, Wilkinsons Court, Easingwold, York