MY referendum vote is for my children, for their future, the future wellbeing of our planet and the amazing biodiversity it contains, and for internationalism.

As David Beckham writes, while explaining his decision to vote Remain, “we live in a vibrant and connected world”.

Yes, we face many challenges in the UK, across Europe, and the wider world, but we are always stronger facing those challenges together.

As Winston Churchill wrote “jaw jaw not war war”. Sitting round a table negotiating with others never gives you everything you want, but gives everyone a percentage of what they want.

The ability to compromise to move forwards is a strength not a weakness.

As Ian, a York man told me last week in Parliament Street, over the centuries many wars were fought across Europe to move a border back or forward just ten or 15 miles, to take a sliver of one nation and put it in another.

Now no-one thinks of fighting such wars; thanks to the existence of the EU those borders are less important to economies and national identity.

Like Paula Radcliffe and J K Rowling, I am proud to be British and European, and to vote Remain.

Christian Vassie, Blake Court, Wheldrake, York