WE must not disinherit the industrial heritage that made us what we are today. This includes coal mining, agricultural practice, and industrial manufacturing.

The majority of these industries gave opportunities for physically bound youth, who were not academic, productive opportunities to expend their energy.

The old farming practices enhanced learning curves and understanding for the young. It will take just a world fuel shortage for a need to go back to what may have been forgotten.

With regard to coal mining, there is clean coal technology, therefore there was never a need to shut down all the coal mines that the Tories did and to an extended extent New Labour of the Blairite years.

We have also witnessed what we know as the steel industries and shipbuilding decline to a trickle and the longer we remain in the European Union and its control, we will not be able to trade independently in the world market place.

We need to be independent exporters, and to reignite the Commonwealth spirit, and governments need to take responsibility and renationalise these industries.

The retreat from The European Union is a moral necessity for Britain.

Ian Wilson, Leader of the UK, Yorkshire, Socialist, Alliance Party