I AGREE that steps should be taken to reduce the number of letting boards in areas near the University of York (The Press, November 16) and had previously taken up the issue.

Excessive boards do represent “street clutter”. Many boards will be up for months at a time, and will still be there long after the let has been agreed.

It is therefore understandable that local residents don’t like them and feel they reduce pride in the community. It is also a concern that they can contribute to crime particularly during university holiday times.

A number of cities have looked at the issue. Earlier this year, the Welsh Government gave Cardiff council the power to act on year-round adverts in the heavily-populated student areas of Cathays and Plasnewydd.

Other cities such as Liverpool, Reading and Leicester have also sought to take action.

We should follow these examples and look at what steps we can take in York.

I am therefore pleased that Cllr Ian Gillies has agreed to review the issue with the ward councillors in Hull Road and speak to local letting agents.

Cllr Chris Cullwick, Liberal Democrat councillor for Huntington and New Earswick, Mulberry Court, York