IN RESPONSE to Janet Kitchen-Cooper’s letter of April 27, I did work when my two sons were small – no, I did not have a husband with a job which allowed me to be a stay-at-home mum, but in those days women took their responsibilities far more seriously.

Only when my sons were of school age did I even consider working outside the home.

Women demanded less in those days and were happy to put off getting a job of their own until they had done the far more important job of being at home for their children for those first important years.

I looked after neighbours’ children while mine were very small – the extra money helped and I could look after my own sons properly.

When they started school I got a part-time job, so I was there when they came home.

All of us are not the same and money and a “good” job were less important to me than being there for my sons.

I do not for one moment regret not working for those early years and I soon made up for it when I was free to work.

I consider I ran my life in the correct order, but we are all free to choose which comes first – extra cash or young children? I made the correct choice for me – that is all that mattered.

Heather Causnett, Escrick Park Gardens, Escrick, York.