LABOUR has selected Rachael Maskell as candidate for York Central.

As Unite the Union’s head of health policy, we might question whose interests she will serve. Unite already has a habit of calling some Labour MPs Unite MPs.

As a member of Labour’s National Executive Committee, she is the ultimate party insider.

I believe York Central deserves better than a parachuted union official. I also believe that the selection of Rachael Maskell gives the Conservatives our best opportunity to win York Central for decades.

I have been out knocking on doors for months and it’s clear Labour can’t take this seat for granted. The Greens are nibbling away at their core vote, while the Lib Dem collapse does not seem to be shifting their way.

Only the Conservatives can realistically challenge Labour here. We have the best opportunity to win the Parliamentary seat for decades.

Robert McIlveen, Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for York Central, York Conservative Association, Ash Street, York.