TO describe an attack such as that on Dresden, where after the deliberate slaughter of between 20,000 and 300,000 non-combatants including many Allied POWs, as the actions of “brave young men” must be comparable to excusing as heroes those who (allegedly) burned to death a Jordanian pilot.

As fir the Archbishop being afraid to criticise the US in its indiscriminate bombing of whoever it chooses, Philip Roe (Letters, February 18) may care to consider that after the British “heroes” had finished their work on sleeping civilians, the US sent to the same target a massive wave of conscienceless killers the following night, spreading further terror among the traumatised survivors, indiscriminately bombing the debris and strafing the streets through the clouds of drifting smoke, just to guarantee their entitlement to war medals – and accidentally (?) bombing Prague, Bux and Pilsen into the heroic bargain.

I presume Archbishop Welby was including this in his criticism.

R Westmoreland, The Oval, Pocklington.