JUST what, exactly, has Britain go to do with Ukraine? Is it any business of our government to make strident, bellicose demands for Russia to cease their invasion of Ukraine on the grounds that what Russia is doing is “illegal”?

Apparently if Russia doesn’t cease its invasion, sanctions will be imposed. The recent flights of Russian Tu-95s Bear bombers over the North Sea showed what President Putin of Russia thought of that threat.

Strangely, the legality of Britain waging war against Iraq was soon papered-over by Tony Blair and his government. Supported, too, by the Conservative Party. Originally that war was deemed by the UN and others to be illegal but, suddenly, it became legal. However, as we now know, in all probability it was illegal.

Just why Britain has to get involved with these conflicts remains a mystery. After all, we don’t hear of France, Germany or Italy waging war with such alacrity.

Also as Britain is part of the EU, shouldn’t any decision to wage war come from there?

Philip Roe, Roman Avenue South, Stamford Bridge, York.