BLIMEY! For a sports reporter I have to say Tony Kelly’s timing is a bit off (column, January 17).

On the day he was having yet another go at Kevin Pieterson, Jose Mouriniho and Brendan Rogers (why him?), KP was giving a master class in batting in Australia, knocking fours and sixes, reaching 50 in 26 balls, and going on to win the match for the Melbourne Stars.

It was interesting to hear the Aussie cricket commentators asking “How can this man not be playing for England?” While no doubt laughing up their sleeves. Even the crowd got in on the act with banners saying “Your loss England”.

Let’s face it, if being unpopular with your team mates was a reason for sacking, half the soccer players in England would be on the dole.

One more thing, Mr Kelly, if you “detest the modern phenomenon of performers being hailed in such aggrandising shorthand” (initials KP, JY and so on), how come your column goes under the title TKO?

Cynthia Glasby, Southfields Road, Strensall, York.