PAUL ABBOTT of Ukip has again shown us that his party is not prepared to let accuracy or specific policy proposals get in the way of vote-seeking.

Find areas of national or local dissent, exaggerate and lie to make it seem worse and then find someone to blame for it. Solutions are not needed until power is gained. We can only guess what will happen then.

He accuses York (City) Football Club of receiving £4 million which is actually going to fund a swimming pool.

I don’t think CYC will be giving the £10 million for building a bridge to open up the “Teardrop” site to Network Rail either. He appears not to like cyclists too!

Hopefully all groups subject to UKIP misinformation will ask their supporters and associates not to vote for these opportunists.

If Mr Abbott and his colleagues write more letters, other endangered groups can be alerted to their populist prejudices, otherwise we might get something worse than the current disastrous Labour administration.

Alan Raimes, Unaffiliated political observer, Melwood Grove, York.