THE Press of October 22 reports that students at school are being introduced to training in life-saving, namely cardiopulmonary resuscitation, as part of the curriculum.

This is to be welcomed and encouraged, and also extended to life-saving techniques for persons in distress in water, hence the need to retain our swimming pool facilities.

First aid facilities should also be compulsory for all venues by trained staff, for any public building, community centres, licensed premises or any other activity including public access, with funding made available through government sources.

Speaking from experience, early introduction to life-saving started with swimming lessons at St George’s Baths for pupils at Poppleton Road Primary School. During my police service, compulsory first aid exams, both practical and theory, gave an insight into how saving lives cannot be measured in money terms, only sanctity of life.

Kenneth Bowker, Vesper Walk, Huntington.