I BELIEVE that India are about to join the space race when a “home-grown” spacecraft is to begin final manoeuvres around Mars; do I hear “good for India”? Certainly not, in my case.

Anyone who has visited this vast country and seen for themselves the degradation and abysmal state of life (if you can call it that) of millions of its people can only marvel that space is even considered while things do not improve for India’s human race.

I know that animals simply do not come into the equation in that country, but literally millions of unfortunate dogs perish on the truly dreadful road conditions, and nobody cares a jot — they are mown down without a thought on India’s motorways, which have to be seen to be believed. As for the human beings who exist (I can’t say “live”) on the streets from birth to death, their lot is heartbreaking.

How any country can dare to shout about its venture into space when the lives of neither human beings nor animals is cared about or considered, is simply beyond my comprehension. Perhaps I have got my priorities all wrong — but I can’t think so.

Heather Causnett Escrick Park Gardens, Escrick.