In response to Jim McGurn of Get Cycling (Letters, September 24) - please get your facts right. I did not at any point in my letter say we simply have to adjust the traffic lights, although that would be a start.

I said I was a taxi driver in York - not that I am one today - from 1996 to 2004.

All I did was to say what I and other drivers felt at the time and I’m sure many driving taxis in York today still feel. I have seen letters in The Press agreeing with that view.

Yes I do object to consultants being paid £400 per day part time and I’m am sure many more do too. I have it on good authority from a member of City of York Council that we already employ people in the Highways Department to do this job.

So why do we need to employ outsiders too?

I merely speak as a realist in today’s world as regards traffic problems in that the huge amounts of traffic on the roads isn’t going to change.

I do not object to all the things the council have done for the cyclists, even though it is on the same roads that the motorist alone pays for with his car tax.

I do not feel I am in a minority over this but feel maybe you are in your view, Mr McGurn.

Peter Boulton, Orchard Gardens, Huntington, York.