PROOF of how out of touch the UK is with contemporary energy technology is found in the news that we are paying to export three million tonnes of rubbish this year, to be incinerated elsewhere. Our waste is heating half a million homes across Europe, at our expense.

Environmental NGOs argue that burning rubbish creates pollution, releasing dangerous poisons into the atmosphere, but their campaigns, and public concerns, are 40 years out of date.

In 2008, Sweden’s 28 modern incinerators produced enough heat for 600,000 homes and electricity for 230,000 homes. And one gramme of dioxins. The key is modern technology and effective regulation.

In the shambles over an incinerator for York and North Yorkshire in 2010, I revealed that the scheme could have heated half the homes in York. Instead, an ill-conceived plan sought to locate the plant in the middle of nowhere and, thereby, waste £1 billion of heat over 20 years.

Yes, we must switch to renewables and improve the insulation of buildings, but we cannot say no to everything else and expect to keep the lights on as we make the transition to a low carbon future. We must engage with the science.

Christian Vassie, Blake Court, Wheldrake, York.