IN RESPONSE to Keith Chapman’s letter of August 5 regarding Front Street in Acomb, I can assure him that Acomb Alive! is actively bringing together retailers and residents in the area.

We have been running for nearly 18 months to support businesses and events in the Front Street area. Together we have lobbied hard to get improvements to the area, and welcome the number of shops that have recently been fitted out to bring them back into use.

We are trying to get a street market established to boost footfall in the area, and we are keen to support independent retailers.

Indeed, we would be concerned if any business rates scheme boosted new chain stores at the expense of existing independent retailers, as these make all the difference to the character of any area – whether Front Street or Bishopthorpe Road.

Sue Hunter Chair, Acomb Alive!, Floral Elegance, Front Street, Acomb, York.