I KNOW local election time is still quite a long way off, but I would like to make a suggestion in good time in case anyone should be interested in acting on it.

At the moment at election time we usually receive several leaflets from the various parties.

They mostly seem to complain about what the other parties have done or have not done and do not say very much about what their particular party will do.

If there was only one leaflet which contained a list of say 12 simple questions about the issues that were important to the citizens of York, with space for each of the parties to give a simple answer, would that enable the voters to more easily make a comparison and decide which one most closely matched their wishes?

Just a thought!


• Jean Weston, Lycett Road, York.

...ON reading in The Press about councillors stepping down in the next elections, would it be a bad thing if we had what is called a No Party in overall control next time? It would then make all the parties work together for their constituents as they should.

There would be hard bargaining by all the different parties concerned, which could make things more interesting seeing that we now have hugely divided communities.

I am sure our political reporter would find his role after May 2015 quite a demanding one!

Keith Chapman, Custance Walk, York.