Leicester found him in death. York loved him in life. Both cities have laid claim to his remains.

What would Richard III make of it all? He’s been the most hated monarch in English history for 500 years and now everyone seems to want him.

It’s certainly been an interesting number of months for Ricardians.

And now that the Plantagenet Alliance, formed by members of Richard’s living family, has been granted permission to legally challenge Leicester, who knows what will happen next?

I only hope it doesn’t end up in court. It would seem disrespectful, somehow.

After all, this is a person we’re talking about – and a King at that.

Whatever happens, I hope the situation is handled with the utmost sensitivity and respect.

One doesn’t have to look far in order to find some little trace of Richard’s legacy in the place he called “My fair citie of York”.

I am sure he would be touched to know that the people of York still love and support his memory to this day. Even if he does end up buried elsewhere, I think it is safe to say his heart is – and will always remain – in York.

Olivia Newton, Brayton, Selby.