THE headlines of The Press on Saturday, February 2 (“Funeral cortege attacked”) came as no surprise to me.

My husband’s funeral procession was treated with no respect by a First York bus driver who pushed in between the hearse and the funeral limousines.

When drivers stopped to let us out of Skeldergate, the hearse managed to get out but this bus driver in his bendy bus cut off the rest of the cars, causing the hearse to pull over and wait for us.

This was very distressing as we were burying a loved one, who would have been shocked by such an incident.

My son-in-law took the bus number and reported the incident to First York who responded at once. We received an apology and an assurance the driver had been disciplined. I hope the family of the recent funeral cortege snowball attack have recovered from their ordeal.

Joan Whitehead, Barlow Street, York.