THE JOINT winner of York’s Come Dine With Me competition has put her baking skills into launching a new business.

Rebecca Ryan, of Lime Avenue, York, who won half of the £1,000 prize for her a glitzy Hollywood themed evening, has set up a business holding cupcake decoration parties.

The Aviva employee had the idea, which she has branded Love From Rebecca, when she got married last year.

She said she realised there wasn’t a great deal on offer for people who wanted to engage in a sophisticated experience-based activity for their hen party or other celebrations.

Already a baking fanatic, Rebecca had gone to sugar craft classes to make a wedding cake for her husband’s cousin, and decided to put her skills to use.

She said: “I’ve been baking for a couple of years and it’s something I really love to do.”

She tested the concept out on her friends and colleagues, teaching parties in her own home, or visiting other people’s homes, then serving afternoon tea in vintage china and sending her pupils home with an apron and goodie bag.

She said: “It’s about the experience rather than the cakes you’re decorating.

“It’s a relaxing, elegant and sophisticated experience.”