Members of the Aviva UK leadership team are gearing up to raise vital funds for three worthy causes through a three-day charity bike ride between its offices in York and Norwich.

From Tuesday to next Thursday, a team of 13, including Aviva’s UK chief executive Mark Hodges, will cycle nearly 200 miles in the first Tour d’Aviva challenge.

The money raised will be shared between the company’s UK Street To School partner – Railway Children – and two employee-nominated regional charities, Martin House Hospice for children and young people, at Boston Spa, and Priscilla Bacon Lodge, a hospital near Norwich. Aviva has pledged to match up to £50,000 of funds raised.

Railway Children is a leading UK and international charity which aims to help vulnerable young people living alone and at risk on the streets. It has been Aviva’s official partner charity since November 2009, since when Aviva and its employees have donated about £500,000 to the organisation.

Andy McCullough, national strategy and policy adviser at Railway Children, said: “Every pound raised by this latest act of support by Aviva is greatly appreciated by Railway Children and crucially will help provide us with the specialist resources we need to reach in time vulnerable children who run away and ensure they are able to access services that meet their complex needs.”

Charitable donations can be made through the Tour d’Aviva sponsorship page at