A LUBRICANTS distributor based near York has won its biggest-ever contract in the automotive sector.

Urchin Ltd, of Wheldrake, led by managing director Rod Hall, has clinched a £10,000 deal to provide Andrew Page, the biggest automotive distributor in the north, with a product said to rival WD40.

Brunox Turbo Spray, made in Switzerland, is formulated to have less impact on the environment, excluding pollutants such as silicon and graphite.

Companies which already buy the spray include Rolex, BMW, Volkswagen and Mercedes The new contract should bring turnover for Urchin Ltd up to £350,000 by the end of the year.

Mr Hall said: “Primarily, in the past, Urchin Ltd has concentrated on lubricants for the sports market where we have been very successful via Chain Reaction, our cycle accessory suppliers and a company called Hotlines based in Edinburgh.

“But this time we have made a positive bridge into the automotive sector, which recognises Brunox Turbot Spray as having high penetrative characteristics ideal for engineers and garage mechanics.”

Mr Hall, who from 2000 had been involved in importing sports equipment, switched to the lubricant market after attending the 2006 Munich Sports Exhibition.

He was impressed with Brunox’s products so asked for and was granted the UK distribution rights. He has such faith in his product that he uses it on his beloved 16-year-old Mongoose mountain bike.

Urchin Ltd also supplies industrial lubricants and anti-rust coatings for ships, cars, plant equipment, telecommunications and food processing machinery, all formulated to have less impact on the environment.