MATCH your words with actions. That is the challenge made to the coalition Government by the 36,000-member Easingwold-based CLA (Country Land & Business Association), which wants full backing for a workable Renewable Heat Incentive.

The association pointed out that at the formation of the coalition promises were made that it would be the “greenest Government ever”. William Worsley, CLA president and Yorkshire landowner, said: "It is vital the Government reaches a Renewable Heat Incentive agreement that will work to reduce the level of fossil fuels used to provide heat for homes and businesses.

“Currently, in terms of energy supply, more than half our fossil fuels are used not for electricity or transport, but to provide heat for homes and businesses. Replacing coal and oil with wood fuel or solar heat would directly address this problem.

Moreover, it would produce more ‘green’ jobs.”

Mr Worsley, who lives in Hovingham and runs a family business involving farming, forestry and residential and commercial property, said the CLA was concerned the Government would not take urgent action on this.

He said: “Ignoring the issue would be disastrous for industry and the countryside, which is crying out for support for switching from expensive fossil fuels to renewable heat.”