START up a business in York, or make a success of one already up and running, with the help of the taxman.

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is organising a Business Advice Open Day at York Racecourse next month.

The free, all-day event, starting at 9am on March 23, will offer practical help and support for running an enterprise.

A spokeswoman for HMRC said: “If you’re in business, or thinking of starting one, keeping up to date with the latest developments and initiatives could make life a whole lot easier.”

Apart from exhibits by many organisations, there will also be seminars and a drop-in centre to discuss concerns in private.

Similar open days throughout England attracted more than 10,000 people last year. The events offer small and medium-sized ventures information on a huge range of topics including tax issues, age legislation, employment law and environmental responsibilities. Organisations taking part in the Business Advice Open Day include: Age Positive, Business Link, the Environment Agency, the Health & Safety Executive, HMRC, Jobcentre Plus, Prime and the Intellectual Property Office.

Visitors can attend the main exhibition at any time, but seminar places need to be booked in advance to guarantee a place. For details, phone the business liaison team on 0121 6974065.