DON’T these shoes look good enough to eat? Well, actually, they are...

It turns out that the chic shoes are actually choc shoes.

They are the fastest-selling products in The Giftag Chocolate Box, a new high-class chocolate shop started by former printer Graham Golisti and his wife, Jane, in Market Place, Thirsk.

Before opening, the couple scoured craft and gift fairs researching unique gifts, then worked together with a Dales firm to produce the shoes, made from wholly natural ingredients with no artificial preservatives.

Among the designs were these shoes which should serve two fetishes at once – and the most popular of them are the ones with killer heels.

Graham, who also sells chocolate characters and animals, including cheeky cows, cheeky chickens and goofy giraffes, said: “It’s early days but business so far has exceeded all our expectations. Money may be tight at the moment, but people will still pay for a more premium product.”

The price of satisfying both shoe and chocolate cravings? £7.95 per shoe.