MEMBERS of family businesses throughout York and North Yorkshire will converge on Hazlewood Castle, near Tadcaster, on December 8.

They will be attending a free meeting, one of a series organised by Garbutt & Elliott, the York accountancy firm and business adviser. It will be an opportunity for local family businesses to share experiences and solutions to problems.

Craig Manson, director and family business adviser at Garbutt & Elliott, said: “We launched the initiative 18 months ago after conducting a survey of family businesses in the Yorkshire area. The meetings have been very well received by family businesses and attendance at our events has been growing ever since. As specialist family business advisers, we facilitate the sharing of family business issues and interactive case studies between the family businesses who attend the meetings. Guest speakers are also invited from various relevant organisations.”

Anyone wanting to attend the family business meeting, or who wants a copy of the survey, should phone Rebecca Green on 01904 464100.