A FREE ten-week coaching course valued at £1,250 is being offered to North Yorkshire business people.

It is being staged by The Business Owners club, a new national organisation based in Harrogate “to help local business people in York discover how to apply to their lives and businesses the successful principles from Napoleon Hill’s number one best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich!”

Reg Atkinson, who started the club at the end of last year, said: “If you had the opportunity to learn the success strategies from more than 500 of the world’s richest and most successful people, would you take it?

“If that very same opportunity allowed you to share ideas, goals, challenges and develop potential profitable relationships with like-minded people who want to help and support each other would you do it?”

The ten-week (1.5 hours per week) course starts in Harrogate in the offices of accountancy firm Zebra Square, at Hornbeam Park on Thursday, June 11, with a second planned in York on Friday, June 19, at a venue to be announced.

Mr Atkinson said: “An in-depth study will give them the opportunity to join forces with a group of like-minded individuals who are focused on taking the results, in every area of their life and business, to a whole new level.

“Together they will discover how to achieve their goals much faster and more easily through the principles of desire, faith, auto-suggestion, imagination, decision, persistence, the subconscious mind and the seven basic fears, which took Napoleon Hill himself more than 25 years to uncover.

To find out more or to book a free place, email reg@thebusinessownersclub.co.uk or phone Mr Atkinson on 01423 501802.