
  • 'Fantastic day' for York pupils

    CHICKENS, climate change and healthy tuck shops will all be on the agenda when hundreds of pupils across York join together for their annual conference. Primary school children from all over the city will meet tomorrow for the event at the Theatre Royal

  • War prisoner’s survival story

    A 90-YEAR-OLD former prisoner of war has published an account of his time in captivity to help others understand the stresses suffered by ex-servicemen. Bill Troughton’s account of his time spent imprisoned by the Japanese in a Rangoon prison was undertaken

  • Estate staff axed at private school

    ABOUT 20 estate workers at Queen Ethelburga’s College have been told they are to lose their jobs after building work on new facilities was halted. The Press has obtained a letter handed out to employees of Thorpe Underwood Services Ltd which says the

  • Sporting life of Mr Baker

    A LIFE dedicated to sport will be remembered next week at the funeral of a former Press employee, who has died at the age of 97. Herbert Baker was the last surviving sibling of 11 brothers and sisters, known collectively around Acomb as “The Bakers’

  • York University in renewable energy talks

    TALKS have been held between the University of York and the city’s council chief in an effort to develop renewable energy at Heslington East. Coun Andrew Waller met university official Elizabeth Heaps yesterday to discuss the university’s proposals for

  • North Yorkshire waste plan set to be ‘scrapped’

    IT HAS been four years in development, but now county council officers have recommended a major document looking at potential waste and mineral extraction sites be withdrawn. On Tuesday, North Yorkshire County Council’s executive endorsed the recommendation

  • Ex-Desert Rat to lay his last Remembrance wreath

    A FORMER Desert Rat and veteran of Dunkirk will perform the Remembrance Day wreath-laying ceremony for the final time this Sunday. Douglas Balding, of Huntington, York, has laid the wreath at All Saints’ Church in the village for the last 40

  • All Saints march into York Minster

    MORE than 1,000 pupils from All Saints’ Roman Catholic School crammed into York Minster to celebrate the school’s feast day. The 1,230 students, who are aged between 11 and 18, were joined by teachers, parents, governors, friends, local parish priests

  • Foss Islands Retail Park units still empty after 8 months

    IT’S a sign of the times. Four units at a new £40 million retail park in York are still unoccupied, eight months after the complex was completed. Under normal economic circumstances, the vacant premises at the Foss Islands Retail Park would probably

  • York man breached court order

    A CONVICTED killer will find out next month whether he will be sent back to jail for breaching a court order slapped on him after he glued a man’s eyes together in a “stupid and dangerous” prank. Jamie Keith Richardson escaped prison after

  • Out-of-school clubs praised

    CHILDREN in York have apparently never had it so good when it comes to being offered extra-curricular activities near to their homes. York families are, on average, less than half-a-mile away from new school services now being offered across the city

  • We can make a difference

    BILBROUGH TOP was North Yorkshire’s worst accident blackspot. Three people were killed and many more badly injured in dozens of accidents caused by the lethal central reservation “gaps” on the A64. That was before The Press harnessed the power of public

  • Drawing line

    THE Citizens Advice Bureau offers vital support and advice to those who desperately need it. Its work has never been more important than in these uncertain times. It was desperately embarrassing for the organisation when most of its York volunteers

  • City of York Council trio escape action

    THREE York councillors have been investigated by city officials over allegations of misconduct. One of them, James Alexander, the city’s Young People’s Champion, was accused of bringing his role into disrepute, through a stunt in which he handed

  • Hi-tech group in takeover deal

    ONCE-troubled Access Intelligence plc, the York-based software and computer services group, has made its first acquisition since revising its board. Its new executive chairman, Michael Jackson, who last month took over the reins of the group at its HQ

  • York’s new enterprises set to grow

    THIRTEEN new acorns have been planted this autumn, as new sponsors move in to nourish them. The 13 are the would-be entrepreneurs who have enrolled in the latest highly successful Acorn programme organised by York St John University. Now in its fourth

  • Multiple rapist is jailed for 15 years

    A VIOLENT rapist has been jailed for 15 years for subjecting women to horrific sex ordeals. Clifton sex attacker Michael David Jackson made to strangle one of his victims with a baby’s romper suit and dragged another into his house, Simon Kealey, prosecuting

  • How will Obama win affect our lives in York?

    The United States has elected its first black President. But why does that matter here in York? STEPHEN LEWIS reports. BARACK Obama has made history by being elected the first black President of the United States. The result has sparked celebrations

  • York Citizens Advice volunteers invited to return

    VOLUNTEERS who resigned in protest from York and District Citizens Advice Bureau (YCAB) in August are set to return to work at the service, after they were invited to return to their jobs. Citizens Advice (CA) said the majority of the 28 volunteers

  • York City draw Barrow in Setanta Shield

    YORK City have been drawn away to Barrow in the fourth round of the Setanta Shield. City, who beat Mansfield Town on penalties in round three on Tuesday night, will make the trip in the week commencing December 1. York striker Richard Brodie is on loan

  • A64 safety drive hailed a success

    IT was The Press’ s biggest road safety campaign – to tame North Yorkshire’s worst accident blackspot, where three people had been killed and many more badly injured in dozens of accidents. Eventually, after two petitions backed by thousands of readers

  • Barkers garage in South Milford closes

    MORE jobs have been lost in Selby district following the closure of a long-established car dealership. The Barkers Citroen garage, in Low Street, South Milford, closed its doors last Wednesday, with the loss of about 20 jobs. Staff were

  • Riot police called in following Foxwood bonfire incident

    POLICE with riot gear were drafted in as stone-throwing thugs bombarded firefighters with missiles as they tried to extinguish a bonfire in Foxwood. The shocking incident happened last night in Thanet Road at around 9pm. Insp Colin Moreton

  • Biker, 22, recovering after car collision

    A 22-YEAR-OLD motorcyclist from York who was taken to hospital with a serious head injury after he was involved in an accident on a country road near the city has been discharged. Police yesterday said they were still investigating the crash

  • Country retreat

    WHETHER you want a rural farmhouse or a family home closer to the action, there is plenty to choose from on the lettings market. This week, Arena Letting has a four-bedroom detached farmhouse at Skirpenbeck, near Stamford Bridge. Maple Tree Cottage

  • Get a Head Start

    FIRST-TIME buyers in Selby are being given a helping hand towards owning their dream home. Barratt’s Head Start scheme is now available at Staynor Hall, in Selby, and means buyers can own 100 per cent of their home for just 75 per cent of the price.

  • York blasts back with impressive display

    BONFIRE Night celebrations returned to York with a bang last night as thousands of revellers gathered to watch a spectacular fireworks display. More than 2,500 people descended on York Maze for the city’s only public display of fireworks. The

  • Move 'felt right' for new York City striker

    BRUCE Dyer declared he signed for York City because the move “felt right”. The former million-pound striker said he was determined to get on the goal trail and enjoy his football after making his Minstermen debut in Tuesday night’s Setanta Shield penalties

  • Hodgson’s happily back to Yorkshire roots

    Yorkshire County Cricket Club have signed home-grown all-rounder Lee Hodgson on a two-year deal, a move which helps ease their pace bowling concerns. The 22-year-old, from Middlesbrough, arrives after spending the second half of last season with Surrey

  • Race is over for McKeown

    MONK Fryston jockey Dean McKeown has ridden his last race after having his licence removed by the British Horseracing Authority. The 48-year-old was last month warned off for four years after a BHA disciplinary panel ruled he was part of a conspiracy

  • York Acorn coach Hill wants Blue and Golds to step up

    THERE are no half-measures for York Acorn as they seek to get to grips with life in the National Conference League elite. Despite the Blue and Golds’ fortunes dipping recently, they entertain erstwhile premier division leaders Skirlaugh on Saturday with

  • Gale aims to close out opening role

    Andrew Gale believes one of the first jobs awaiting new Yorkshire captain Anthony McGrath is to sort out the opening partnership in County Championship cricket. McGrath and director of professional cricket Martyn Moxon will get their heads together over

  • It’s a plum business for Copmanthorpe captain

    Copmanthorpe Reserves captain Stuart Auton is used to plugging the gap coming, as he does, from a long line of family plumbers spanning four generations. So when the Leeper Hare York and District Football League Reserve ‘A’ division outfit

  • Brace of anguish strikes at double

    BOTH New Earswick and York Indoor Bowls Clubs crashed out of two national competitions with the only consolation in a miserable week being York beating Barnsley in the Egham Trophy. It all started to go wrong in the Yetton Trophy, where New Earswick

  • Pay levels 'are key to fire cover'

    CUTS in Government funding could leave North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service facing a budget shortfall of more than half a million pounds, firefighters have been warned. The service said in a special staff newsletter that there were “currently no plans

  • Dringhouses’ ton-up prize

    DRIVING ambition will be at the forefront of Dringhouses Football Club’s centenary dinner. Mercedes Benz of York have kindly donated a top of the range sports car for a weekend, as an auction item for the event to be held at York Racecourse’s Ebor

  • Hanagan can land a hat-trick at Musselburgh finale

    PAUL Hanagan, on the mark in France on Tuesday, is on the Scottish trail for winners tomorrow and is expected to be handsomely rewarded at Musselburgh’s final meeting of the season. The Malton jockey enjoyed a Group 3 victory for his boss Richard Fahey

  • Feast of Egham lifts the gloom

    York Indoor Bowls Club sampled a measure of consolation from their 107-68 demolition of Barnsley in the Egham Trophy where they won all four rinks. At home, Kevin Davey’s team led 11-10 after 11 ends then went on the rampage, only losing one more

  • Blues inflict pain on Reds

    York simply could not lose in the EWIBA Mason Trophy as both their teams were drawn against each other with York Blue prevailing to beat York Red 54-34. Linda Harrison’s team needed a five and a three on the last two ends to beat Pat Bracken’s side

  • Ways to clear street hazards

    I READ with interest “Off the pavement” (Letters, November 1). The obstruction of pavements in York city centre is not something new and not always by A-boards. Like most things which are done illegally in York, nothing seems to be done until there is

  • Get off fence over ‘vile’ abuse

    I WONDER if columnist Mike Bentley has splinters in his bottom after last week’s Bentley’s About (How To Blow Up A Big Row, The Press, October 31). Talk about sitting on the fence – was he afraid of not being “cool” or “hip” if he came right out and

  • Forms of madness

    FORM filling and paperwork has now reached a new level within North Yorkshire Police. In fact, it now seems that these tasks have become more important than nabbing criminals and maintaining law and order. When police community support officers (PCSOs

  • It’s still good we have BBC

    NORMALLY this column doesn’t return to a topic from the week before. But looking at the charred remains of common sense left after the latest media firestorm, it is worth asking two questions that relate to that Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand business

  • New system to beat Foxwood Lane floods

    PROBLEMS with flooding and raw sewage backing up into shops may soon be a thing of the past in the Foxwood Lane area of York. Residents in the area awoke to water lapping at their doorsteps on August 17 this year after one of the three pumps at the pumping

  • Return to sender?

    IS Royal Mail trying to raise money in a new way? I had anxiously waited two-and-a-half weeks for a letter posted in the West Riding and on Wednesday, October 22, I received a card through the letterbox telling me they were unable to deliver a piece

  • An Oddie solution

    KATE Humble of Springwatch fame, says “there are times when I could wring his (Bill Oddie’s) neck”, (The Press, Quote of the day, October 28). Why doesn’t she just ring his leg, ruffle his tail feathers and report him to the RSPB – as an “endangered

  • A happy ending

    I loved the story of Edward Johnson who had lost his job and could not find a new one because of suffering from a painful condition that affected the way he looked (Bettys like the look of Edward, The Press, November 3). It is a sad fact

  • Permit returned

    I WOULD like to thank the person who handed my disabled parking permit to the staff at Argos on Friday. It must have fallen out of my car while shopping with my granddaughter and not noticed till I parked at another disabled bay. Thank you again

  • Easy riders

    I HAVE just experienced the most laid back, uncomplicated way to travel to Leeds Bradford Airport from York. My husband and I caught the 12.15pm number 16 bus to York station, we bought an airport bus ticket costing £17 each, return, including your

  • US result gives John a long night

    THE Diary is a bit too old for this staying up all night malarkey and had the patience to wait until yesterday morning for news on the US election. But many others were so eager to see the results of this landmark ballot, they sacrificed a good night

  • Contamination fear for York car park

    INVESTIGATIONS are to be carried out at a planned Park&Ride site in York over fears that the land is contaminated. Consultants say there is a “major” risk of contamination at the site, near the Tesco superstore at Askham Bar. The Park&Ride is planned