HIGH-SPEED rail services must go via York, to ensure the city’s future prosperity, York Central MP Rachael Maskell has said.

She met David Brown, chief executive of Transport for the North, in Parliament to discuss the city's future and the case for high-speed rail services to stop at York.

She also said congestion in York was unsustainable, and was not being addressed by the Government or council.

She said: “It is vital that York is seen as a central rail destination where east-west routes meet with the East Coast Mainline. Bringing the exchange into the city, with an upgraded station, will provide York with the connectivity to develop high quality jobs for the city and open up our local economy. York’s future depends on this.

York Press:

“Without high speed rail, York will remain a low wage economy as future business investment will focus on where the best connectivity sits. In making the case for York’s future, I have also highlighted the opportunities that York has to provide future employment in the rail industry.”