DAVE WOODS believes Barrow prop Brett McDermott’s six-match suspension for stamping and punching against York City Knights in their Northern Rail Cup tie has sent out a message to the rest of the game.

The Knights head coach said he was satisfied after the RFL disciplinary committee threw the book at McDermott following his actions during the clash on February 6.

McDermott was given a four-match ban for stamping on the leg of York forward Ben Jones in the 70th minute, and a further two-game suspension for punching winger Danny Wilson in the 37th minute.

Woods cited the player after watching a video of the match and McDermott, who pleaded guilty to both charges, was also fined £50 when he appeared before the committee on Wednesday night.

Both incidents went unpunished by referee Richard Silverwood.

The Knights boss had said he would be watching the committee closely after railing against captain Alex Benson’s two-game suspension for an alleged high tackle on Nathan Ashe in the pre-season friendly against St Helens.

Reacting to McDermott’s ban, he said: “I think deliberate acts need to be punished really hard. They (the committee) seem to have got this one pretty right. We are not looking at doing anything else and it sends a message that there is no call in the game for stuff like that.

“The game is tough enough without my players being treated that way.

“I picked it up on the video. Danny came off and said he had been punched. Jonesy’s ankle swelled up a bit but Danny is going to have a scar for the rest of his life. There’s just no need for it.”

• Don’t miss The Press tomorrow for a preview of York City Knights’ Northern Rail Cup tie at London Skolars on Sunday.