YORK RUFC suffered their fourth defeat of the Yorkshire One campaign as they went down 27-17 at Keighley.

They trailed 17-10 at the break in West Yorkshire but conceded the first score of the second half and were unable to haul back the deficit.

Hooker Darren Rutherford went on a mazy touchline run and when he was felled just short, winger Sam Arkle burrowed over from the back of a ruck. Jon Dawes kicked the conversion and a penalty, but the home side then managed to pull away, using their good off-loading game to build up a lead.

York full-back Jamie Eveleigh launched three breaks, but the visitors were unable to capitalise.

A loose pass from York after the break helped Keighley turn defence into attack and they bagged two unconverted tries.

The introduction of substitutes Marc Benson and Adam Bowers added some punch to York’s pack and the forwards scored with a catch and drive in the corner. Dawes tagged on the conversion.

Pocklington were outmuscled at unbeaten Yorkshire One leaders Driffield, losing 23-7.

Pock took the lead in the fourth minute when fly-half Joe Holbrough scythed through and, as he was halted a yard short, centre Tim Nixon followed up to plunge over.

Billy Hardy, kicking for the first time in the absence of the injured Nick Bennett, added the conversion.

The first time Driffield got the ball wide on the quarter hour they scored in the corner through centre Dave Ollett. Then Pock gifted them the lead when they tried to trap a kick on halfway but it bounced loose for Driffield to score through Sam Furbank. Furbank added a penalty then centre Danny Smith stepped through to make it 18-7.

Pock went close at the end of the first half and the second period was end to end, but Driffield wing Alastair McClarron crossed in the corner for the final try.

Meanwhile, Malton & Norton were beaten 18-12 at Old Crossleyans in North One East.

Malt went behind on 15 minutes when they conceded a penalty for offside and the Halifax hosts then added a try. Just before the break, the lead was extended to 15-0 by a converted try.

On 50 minutes, Old Crossleyans made it 18-0 with a penalty after Malton handled the ball in a ruck.

The Ryedale side then came to life and a quick tap penalty set up a maul which ended with hooker Alex Whitaker forcing his way over.

Malton squandered chances, as they were unable to ground the ball over the line and then lost possession when a push-over try looked to be on the cards.

With five minutes remaining, Whitaker got his second try of the game and Teei Piawi converted.

The final five minutes saw Malton camped in the home 22-metre area, but they were unable to steal a win.