MORE than 20 people took in the first adult touch rugby league competition in York, held at Huntington School.

The competition grew out of the social sessions which have been running at Energise and Huntington School.

The players were split into three teams, with the Energise Eagles outfit winning three and drawing one of their four pool matches to top the table. Huntington Hawks were second and Rowntree Rovers third.

Nick Settle, rugby league Service Area co-ordinator said: “Once people have tried touch rugby they all seem to love it and want to keep playing.

“A lot of the people who have come along have never even played rugby before.”

Social touch rugby sessions and coaching are restarting at Huntington on Wednesday, May 11, 6pm to 7pm, and at Rowntree Park on Thursday, May 12, 6pm to 7pm. The sessions will last for eight weeks and cost £3 per session.

For further information or to book, email Nick Settle at or Will Saville, City of York Council’s sports participation officer at, or phone 01904 553440.