IN the latest edition of our look back through the archives, here are five cricket teams from years gone by.

Do you recognise yourself or anyone you know in any of these great pictures?

Pictured above, Sheriff Hutton Bridge. The 1996 team had just lost to Osbaldwick in their Costcutter York and District Senior Cricket league division one match. Back row (from left): Tony Hinder, Colin Mole, Vic Klays, Peter Crowder, Nick Ogden, Stephen Crowder. Front row: Phil Walls (scorer), David Ellis, Ben Snow, Mike Willink, Chris Walls, David Speake.

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York Press: SHERIFF HUTTON 1991.jpgSHERIFF HUTTON 1991.jpg

SHERIFF HUTTON 1991: Back: A Hull, I Aconley, D Armitage, E Hull, D Boothroyd, C Hovington, B Tompkins, G Hardy, R Cockerill and A Naylor.

York Press: SHERIFF HUTTON 1992.jpgSHERIFF HUTTON 1992.jpg

SHERIFF HUTTON 1992. Back: Tony Hull, Adam Naylor, Andrew Johnson, Richard Brewster, Robin Oxendale, Benjamin, Thompkins, Nicholas Wishart, Brian Harrison, Michael Gosling, Edward Hull and Ian Aconley.

York Press: SHERIFF HUTTON 1994.jpgSHERIFF HUTTON 1994.jpg

SHERIFF HUTTON 1994: Back: Vic Lays, Mark Baynes, Mike Willink, Col Mole, Clive Clark (capt), Steve Crowder. Front: Philip Walls, David Speake, Mark Hinder, William Harrison, Chris Walls, Tony Hinder.


SHERIFF HUTTON BRIDGE 1993: Back: C Clark, S Crowther, J Simpson, K Mendham, M Smith, M Ryan. Front: D Grainger, G Bielby, M Clayton, P Oldfield, T Hinder.

If you have any team pictures you would like to share with us, please email them with a submitted caption to