THE Government’s U-turn over plans to sell publicly owned woodland showed “campaigning does work”, said York Central MP Hugh Bayley.

The move to sell 40,000 acres of state-owned woodland has been abandoned by Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman.

She said: “I am sorry, we got this one wrong, but we have listened to people’s concerns. I now want to move forward in step with the public.

“I hope that the measures I have announced today, signalling a fresh approach, demonstrate my intention to do the right thing for our forests and woodlands.”

Mr Bayley, who organised a public meeting against the proposals last week, which attracted about 250 people welcomed the decision. He said: “This U-Turn goes to show campaigning does work. Local campaigners and ordinary people have spoken out about these plans and I am pleased the Government has seen sense and suspended the consultation.

“I hope the panel will recommend that public forests remain public. They are part of our national heritage, just as precious as a Turner painting or the crown jewels, and should not be sold off to the highest bidder.”

Anne McIntosh, MP for Thirsk and Malton, said the issue had “clearly struck a chord” with the public.

She said: “There’s always a case for protecting the biodiversity of forests. The Forestry Commission is playing a key role in the planting of trees and I hope that we can repeat the project in other areas.

“It’s not just the issue of ownership, but questions such as what type of trees to grow in forests.”