ADVENTURER Bear Grylls was the guest of honour as scouts celebrated the centenary of the movement in the Easingwold area.

Bear, who is the Chief Scout, visited about 100 Cubs, Scouts and Explorer Scouts on Saturday who had set up camp on the edge of the village of Kilburn.

It was the same place the first scout camp was held in the area in 1910.

He spent about an hour with the boys and girls from 1st Easingwold, 1st Moxby Moor and 1st Kyle Valley taking part in various activities which included blowing a 100-year-old troop bugle.

The camp was on all weekend and will finish today when the Scouts and Explorer Scouts arrive at Easingwold Market Place after an eight-mile march from the camp, following the route taken by the first troop in 1910.

They will be met in the Market Place by the Mayor of Easingwold, Coun Brian Taylor.