Is this the worst bus stop in York? That's the question being asked by the York Bus Forum.

Passengers using the No 10, 26, X46 and X47 bus are being forced to use this temporary bus stop on Piccadilly instead of one on Merchantgate because of changes at Coppergate which give more room to pedestrians and cyclists.

"There has been an unfortunate impact on bus passengers travelling to Hull Road, Dunnington, Stamford Bridge and beyond," the forum says. "Instead of a convenient bus shelter in Merchangate with cover, seating and clear bus timetable information passengers are now faced with a temporary stop placed against a derelict building. This dimly lit, lacking any shelter and has no seating! It seems incredible that no better solution can be found."

If you agree the forum would like you to complete its ‘Improving York’s Bus Stops’ questionnaire at