Gardening is a great way to relax and enjoy some ‘me’ time, and if you’re looking to transform your garden or even just pick up a new hobby, YouGarden has all the tips and tricks you need.

If you want to give your garden a splash of colour for next season or just fancy transforming your outdoor space, why not give these Mediterranean plants a try?

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How to give your garden a Mediterranean makeover

YouGarden recommends growing Mediterranean and exotic plants in large pots as this will help to warm their roots. Warm roots aid growth!

York Press: Give your garden a Mediterranean makeover (Canva)Give your garden a Mediterranean makeover (Canva) (Image: PA)

It will also enable you to move them into a protected area away from very low temperatures and frost.

Plant into pots that have a diameter of 25cm or above. In a few years, you may need to re-pot into larger pots if your plants have outgrown them.

Remember to use a few stones or crocks at bottom of the pot for weight and to aid drainage. Use good quality compost, firm down with your heel, and water well.

How to position Mediterranean plants?

The clue is in the name, Mediterranean and exotic plants like the warmest and sunniest parts of the garden.

If growing straight in the ground, make sure the soil is well drained as they don’t like having ‘wet feet’.

When planting, add some grit/sand along with compost/organic matter for best results.

How often should you water Mediterranean plants?

Mediterranean plants should be fed and watered well in the summer as this is when almost all of their growth will occur.

Whilst these types of plants are very drought tolerant and can survive long periods without water, they will grow much better if well fed and watered in that period.

Feed them with a general purpose fertiliser such as Fish, Blood & Bone.

Ready to plant yours? Head to the YouGarden website to get all you need to give your garden a Mediterranean makeover.