WILL Sander, an associate at Yorkshire law firm Dickinson Dees, has become the only solicitor in the region to qualify as a registered trade mark attorney.

A solicitor specialising in intellectual property (IP) law since qualification, Will has spent the last three years working towards obtaining this dual qualification. He joined Dickinson Dees, which has an office in Bishopthorpe Road, York, in 2005.

Will has undertaken a number of exams over the last three years and has attended the advanced trade mark law course at Queen Mary University, London, in order to obtain the qualification. The course included examinations on advanced UK, community and international trade mark law. The average national pass rate for the advanced exams fluctuate between 30 per cent and 40 per cent, yet he is one of only a very few solicitors in the UK to be dual qualified. An “absolutely delighted” Sue Streatfield, head of intellectual property for Dickinson Dees in Yorkshire, said: “Will’s qualification adds to the existing expertise of our IP group, which already boasts the broadest knowledge and experience of any other firm in the region.”

Will said: “It has been a challenging three years having to balance the demands of studying with my work commitments, but I am pleased with my achievement and also very grateful to Dickinson Dees for supporting me in my professional development.

“I am particularly pleased to have passed all the exams first time! I look forward to being able to put into practice all that I have learned.”