SHOULD Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt really be our top priority?

I know there will be some who argue that the Hunt affair is an important question of integrity and politicians’ fitness to govern.

But many others, including the general public, will be wondering why, with so much else going on, this is such a high priority?

Innocent people are dying in Syria, the European economy is on a knife-edge and here in Britain many thousands of people are losing their jobs and worrying about how to pay their bills.

A long-awaited White Paper on social care keeps getting put back and put back, avoiding the issue of how this country is going to look after the rapidly increasing number of people who need care.

There is too much yah-boo politics and not enough action on the really big issues and I’m sure I’m not alone in calling for all politicians to “get a grip”.

Mike Padgham, Chairman, Independent Care Group (York and North Yorkshire), Eastway, Eastfield, Scarborough.