A TELEGRAM from the Queen, a visit from the Lord Mayor of York, cake, music, and lots of chocolate.

These were the ingredients for one woman's 100th birthday.

Ella Fenton, who lives at Birchlands Care Home, in Haxby, York, has lived through more than most.

Now she has celebrated her centenary in grand style at the home where she has lived for the past ten years.

Nurse Sheila Coombs said: "We've got bucks fizz, a buffet and plenty of chocolate, because Ella loves chocolate.

Ella's son, James, and his wife, Gail, as well as her grandchildren, and her new great grandson, Nathan, joined the party.

Sheila said: "Ella's a great lady, a very bright, happy, cheerful lady".

"If you're ever feeling a bit fed up, you can go and sit with her for a while and you'll go away with a smile on your face."