THE role of York and North Yorkshire Special Constables has been praised by city MP Hugh Bayley.

Mr Bayley met Kevin Moore, area commander of Special Constables, David Collins, assistant chief constable at North Yorkshire Police and some of the Special Constables who work in the York area to highlight last week's National Special Constables Weekend. Mr Bayley said: "Special Constables are essential to fighting crime and disorder. They have the same training and the same powers as other police officers, but they work part-time and without pay.

"They work as a team with regular officers and their local knowledge is priceless when it comes to tackling crime. Working as a Special Constable enables people to bring out the best in themselves whilst benefiting the whole community.

"I hope more people will apply to join the Specials."

The York/Selby/Tadcaster area is currently recruiting for new Specials. Details of how to apply can be found on, or by phoning 0345 272 272.