I MUST respond to your article (Villages plagued by trouble gangs, October 12).

When will anyone acknowledge young people from our area? Yes, I hear you saying, they are all bad. My answer to you is that they are not.

I have worked successfully with many young people across the York area. Give them a chance. Do not take away provisions that they have worked hard to be part of, to gain some sort of ownership. The months gaining respect between adults and young people will work. Respect both ways is the key.

Acknowledge the ease with which drugs and alcohol can be obtained by the young people. It's time we took some responsibility to protect our next generation. They are not all abusive, violent young people. I have had some wonderful working relationships with young people, built on respect, trust and response.

Don't give up on the next generation. Believe me, they are wonderful, and have so much to offer and contribute. Let's just give them a chance and not remove valuable provisions that are clearly offering them a part of a community. Somebody, including Mr Benson and his community centre, needs to acknowledge this and work towards including the said young people as part of the community. They are the future generation. Give them some chance.

Youth worker, Name and address withheld.