HOW long does it take City of York Council to change a light bulb? No, this is not a joke and from my experience the answer is several weeks.

Lindley Street in Holgate, at the Hill Street end, has been in darkness for a long time, regardless of the problem having been reported.

Conditions generally around York of late appear to be going downhill: cyclists now impervious to any rules of the road and ride anywhere they like with the police turning a blind eye; money being thrown away on unnecessary alterations to paths around the city when roads such as Fifth Avenue are a disgrace.

Then there must be a new yob on the block spreading blue-painted graffiti in Dalton Terrace and the Clementhorpe area. Has no one seen this excuse for a human being doing this?

Never mind, the days are getting longer, the sun getting higher and my golf club beckons.

Apathy in York reigns, so after ten years of trying to keep the council on its toes, I will rest my pen.

R Waite, Holgate, York.