THESE two “men of steel” joined other caped crusaders for a day of superhero fun at a York nursery.

Rob Oliver, nursery nurse at Happy Jays on Clifton Moor, was just one of the members of staff who donned his colourful crimefighting gear on Friday.

The day was part of the latest topic organised at the pre-school group, which saw the children focusing on their favourite super-powered heroes.

Emma Brooks, acting deputy manager, said: “We had all sorts of different superheroes including Buzz Lightyear, Spiderman, Batman and Danger Mouse.

“There were even different heroes such as a nurse, a fireman and some made-up ones like Harriet The Great and Super Em.”

The day saw the children making up their own story to include all their favourite characters, and discussing what they would do if they possessed their own powers.