HANNAH BRYAN meets the York mum who believes sexy photo-shoots can boost a woman’s self-esteem.

HAVING hit rock bottom when her unhappy marriage of ten years ended, Andrea Denniss realised something in her life had to change. “I was at a really low point,” she says. “I had a lot on my plate and remember waking up one day and realising something had to give.”

Feeling drained from her broken relationship, Andrea, who ran her own pharmacy in Copmanthorpe as well as bringing up her two young daughters, decided she had to do something to rediscover who she was.

While some people treat themselves to a spa day, and others jet off on holiday, it was Andrea’s passion for photography that led her to London-based photographer, Kate Hopewell-Smith. She booked herself in for a glamorous boudoir photo-shoot that would end up changing her life.

“When I went down to the shoot I felt really unconfident and totally unsure of what I’d got myself in for,” explained Andrea.

“I ended up at Kate’s house in floods of tears while she listened and comforted me. It was just what I needed, she knew exactly what to do and really took the time to get to know me.”

Kate’s caring and sensitive approach to the shoot had the biggest effect on Andrea’s confidence, and ultimately motivated her to start her own boudoir photography business.

“I started off thinking, ‘Oh God, what am I doing!’ But because Kate let me go at my own pace and made me feel comfortable in her own home, I really relaxed and couldn’t believe the effect it had on me.

“I would never in a million years have thought I would stand there in just my knickers and have my photo taken – but I did!

“Having the shoot done made me remember who I was and my life quite literally started again – it was as if somebody had completely reset my switches.”

With this renewed confidence, Andrea sold her pharmacy and set out to make other women feel as good as she did by turning her passion for photography into a full-time venture.

“I remember driving back after the shoot feeling amazing. I felt like I was 20 again and could take on anything. That’s what I want to bring to my business,” she says.

“If I hadn’t gone and done it myself, I wouldn’t be doing it now. It’s something that is so personal and so individual that I had to understand the reasons for doing it.

“I know what I loved about the way I was treated and what made me feel fantastic after my shoot.”

Based at her home in New Earswick, her business, Pink Lily Photography, offers wedding, baby and family portraits, along with her self-confessed “guilty pleasure” – boudoir photo-shoots.

For Andrea, these boudoir sessions can not only transform the way women feel about themselves, but can also help them overcome any body confidence issues.

Andrea offers tailor-made shoots, either at her home or at their location of choice. She did one photo-shoot at the North Yorkshire Moors Railway, modelling clothes from the Vintage Emporium in York. She can also arrange for hairdressing and make-up to be done before a shoot.

“It makes a massive difference when you’ve been on the other side of the camera and know why someone wants a shoot,” she says.

“Some people do it for fun or for a present for their partners. But other people, like myself, do it because they’ve had a difficult few years and need a boost to remind themselves how fabulous they are.”

Mother-of-four Jacqui Barratt, from York, had her first boudoir session with Andrea in November last year – she believes it is something every woman should do.

“I think everybody gets to a point when they need a little boost and this is perfect – you feel fantastic afterwards,” she says.

“I wanted to celebrate my five-and-a-half decades with something special. I’ve had four children and have two grandchildren so I wanted to capture the shape of my body and how it looks now.

“Andrea is brilliant and makes you feel so comfortable. Having your hair and makeup done and a photo-shoot all to yourself makes you feel like a film star – it was amazing.”

For Andrea, her boudoir experience changed her life and restored her confidence. “My photographs from that day are a constant reminder of the woman that I really am – the woman that I had forgotten I was. “Now I have a photo of my legs above my bed, so whenever I need a confidence boost I look at it and think: ‘That’s me’.” she says.

• Andrea’s tailor-made boudoir shoots cost £250, which includes £125 credit towards either a framed print or photo album of your pictures. If desired, she can also organise for a professional hairdresser and makeup artist. To find out more, visit pinklilyphotography.showitsite.com