FURTHER to Coun Vassie's letter about waste disposal (Doom service, September 15), I believe that a major dilemma faces us that is too rarely mentioned.

Britain produces around one per cent of the world's CO2 emissions.

If, in the UK, we implemented the greenest of green policies from tomorrow, the impact would be minute.

The USA and developing countries need to take radical measures to contain their polluting activities now if the doomsday scenarios are not to become reality.

Sadly, China and India in their head-long race to become industrial giants, appear to pay little heed to the long-term consequences of their "progress" and the US will do nothing which threatens its economic dominance or the lifestyle of its citizens.

On this small island, segregating our rubbish and composting kitchen waste is all very laudable, but pretty futile given the bigger picture.

A M Todd, Stockton Lane, York.