ARUN Arora defends the indefensible - the concept of religion, in this case the Christian religion (Letters, September 20).

It is all a myth, encouraged by governments through the ages.

The great mass of the people will fall more readily for the great lie than the smaller one; that from an expert on the subject. Marx labelled it the opiate of the people.

I well understand the writer's concern, as were common sense to prevail, all those in service to the Church would be unemployed and ill-equipped for any meaningful work.

This planet was created, opinion now is, through the Big Bang theory; Fred Hoyle's Steady State is discredited. But there was no divine presence.

Man (political correctness demands also woman) evolved from single-cell amoeba over many millions of years, reading local, national and international news, some further than others!

Religion is the curse of mankind. It has caused more bloodshed, more wars and more misery than any other philosophy known to the world.

I lived in France until recently and religion was not taught in the schools there, nor were any overt or covert religious artefacts permitted on school property.

Instead, ethics were taught, to turn out a citizen worthy of France and his family. In my opinion this is a policy this country should follow. It works.

As for Jesus, it is doubtful he ever existed (Read Luigi Cascioli, The Fable Of Christ); if he did, then it was as a freedom-fighter (a terrorist against Roman occupation). As no written account of the times occurs until 300 years after Herod's death in 4ABC (A=Assumed) we will never know for sure; and for committed Christians, ignorance is bliss.

Mick Snowden, Amotherby, Malton.