Dr Emma Rowbotham and Chris Clark married at Cedar Court Grand, York, on July 16, 2011.

Barry Male – York Wedding Photography

Where did you meet?
On a night out in York

What attracted you to him?
His sense of humour and dashing good looks

Where did he propose?
On the Knavesmire in York on Christmas Day 2010

The dress
The Bridal Lounge, York

He wore
Bespoke suit from Timothy James Henderson, Harrogate

Sabrina Rajan and Fiona Mettam

Wards of York

Table décor and favours
Bowls of Quality Street and tables all named after pubs and bars that meant something to the people on them

Emma Yates-Butler, who was the harpist during the champagne reception and a ceilidh with Fiddlers Wreck after the wedding breakfast
