HALLOWE’EN and Mischief Night troublemakers in York and North Yorkshire will not be tolerated, police warned today.

Police said they were stepping up patrols because of the amount of antisocial behaviour usually associated with October 31 and November 4.

In past years, nuisance youths have used the time of year to cause havoc by pelting windows with eggs and flour.

Police are asking everyone to play their part to ensure that Hallowe’en and Mischief Night pass off peacefully.

Parents are asked to make sure they know where their children are and what they are doing and also to make sure that youngsters know the dangers of playing with fireworks.

Shopkeepers are being urged not to sell items that can be misused to cause damage, such as cans of shaving foam, flour, eggs and matches, to young people. Police and North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service will be working together to ensure that any illegal fires are quickly extinguished and those responsible for starting them are dealt with robustly.