IF you’ve heard a major youth-oriented national or local commercial radio station recently, chances are you’ve heard at least one offering from Cobra Starship’s latest album.

It’s the kind of bland, identikit dance-tinged pop that was created for compilation albums, with latest single You Make Me Feel a shoe-in to appear as filler on the latest Now… album this Christmas.

Although it’s easy to dismiss, there’s undoubted selling potential here, with each track boasting a dance hook or chorus tailor-made for clubbing, but if you’re looking for original, standout and memorable music, this cookie-cutter collection won’t do anything for you.

Throw in a couple of tracks which, as all club ‘classics’ must, “Feat” another artist you’ve probably never heard of, and a few lyrically-explicit tracks, and you’ve got an album which will sell like crazy for the next few months, before being shunned in favour of another forgettable dance artist.